The retail activity is an important one under Food, Consumption Styles and Health related activities. See below several other relevant activities that also fall under this category:

I  In the core area of Food and its Consumption, reStore procures and   makes available organic food products: all varieties of staple grains such as rices, pulses and dals, wheat and wheat flour, millets, cold-pressed oils, sweeteners such as jaggery, and a variety of other natural products sourced from small and marginalized farmers or collectives of such farmers. We run a daily shop plus two bazaars every week at which we sell organic farm-fresh vegetables and fruits.
prdt display at store

The shop also stocks other kinds of natural, eco-friendly products sourced from marginalized rural artisans, non-profit NGOs, SHGs and so forth which help support such groups and their livelihoods.

II  Workshops, discussions, cooking and health meets are organized.

III  Research material and documentation for consumers are gathered from farmers, health practitioners, and scientists on health, nutrition, sustainable practices and so forth.


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