Plastic packaging materials are made from fossil fuels, causing extensive pollution in the manufacturing process. They do not bio-degrade, and have a huge environmental cost, ending up in garbage dumps or worse still, in the stomachs of unsuspecting animals foraging in garbage. The less packaging we use, the less we contribute to these problems.

At reStore we do not use plastic packaging for rices, pulses and millets.  These will be available for direct dispensing from bins.
We request you to bring your own bags for your purchase. If for some reason, you are unable to bring your own bags, you can buy these items in cloth bags (reusable) that we sell.GroceryClothBag
  • Cloth bags are available in small (1 Kg), medium (2-3 Kg) and large (5 Kg) sizes, and we will charge a nominal amount of Rs. 12 per bag purchased along with the grocery items.
  • These bags can be reused by you.

We are still looking for options to pack flours, spices and other items without using plastic. We would be glad to keep such items aside for you so that you can pick-up in your own container or bag. Please call us 48 hours ahead; we will be grateful for your commitment to reduce our plastic footprint. 



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